Compare Grammatical Relations by Patrick Farrell, Paperback | Indigo Chapters
Patrick Farrell
Patrick Farrell explains how grammatical relations are characterized in modern theories of grammar. He describes the historical development and conceptual precedents of competing theories and, ranging across a wide variety of languages, considers what their merits and limitations are indifferent contexts. He examines their conceptions of relations such as subject, object, indirect object, agent, patient, and actor, and their accounts of such syntactic phenomena as ergativity, split intransitivity, voice alternations, and case marking. Professor Farrell compares mainstreamgenerative-transformational approaches with both formalist and functionalist alternative approaches, revealing points of convergence and divergence. He identifies and discusses problems and issues of continuing concern and considers how these might be resolved. This is an ideal introduction for graduate students and will be a valuable reference for theoretical linguists of all persuasions. Oxford Surveys in Syntax and MorphologyGeneral editor: Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. Advisory editors: Guglielmo Cinque, University of Venice; Daniel Everett, University of Manchester; Adele Goldberg, Princeton University; Kees Hengeveld, University of Amsterdam; Caroline Heycock, University of Edinburgh; David Pesetsky, MIT; Ian Roberts, University of Cambridge; MasayoshiShibatani, Rice University; Andrew Spencer, University of Essex; Tom Wasow, Stanford UniversityThis series provides surveys of the major approaches to subjects and questions at the centre of linguistic research in morphosyntax. Its volumes are accessible, critical, and up-to-date. Individually and collectively they reveal the value of the field's intellectual history and theoreticaldiversity. The books provide graduate students of syntax, morphology and related aspects of semantics with a vital source of information and reference, and are designed for use in graduate courses. They give the context by which specialist articles can be fully understood. They provide usefulbackground reading for advanced undergraduates researching a specific area. PublishedGrammatical Relations by Patrick FarrellIn preparationPhrase Structure by Andrew CarnieSyntactic Categories by Gisa RauhMorphology and the Lexicon by Daniel EverettThe Phonology-Morphology Interface by Sharon InkelasArgument Structure: The Syntax-Lexicon Interface by Stephen WeschlerThe Syntax-Semantics Interface by Jean-Pierre KoenigInformation Structure: the Syntax-Discourse Interface by Nomi Erteschik-ShirLanguage Universals and Universal Grammar by Anna SiewierskaSyntactic Change by Olga FischerComputational Approaches to Syntax and Morphology by Brian Roark and Richard SproatThe Acquisition of Syntax and Morphology by Shanley Allen and Heike Behrens | Grammatical Relations by Patrick Farrell, Paperback | Indigo Chapters